Is FS-PER the new PCM?
02/16/2018 | Steffen Grieble

02/16/18 | Steffen Grieble

Is FS-PER the new PCM?

16/02/2018 | Steffen Grieble

Blog Author:Steffen Grieble

Steffen Grieble | Associate Director of NEXONTIS, an msg global solutions company

Steffen Grieble is Associate Director of NEXONTIS, a company developing innovative insurance solutions including SAP Performance Management for Financial Services and SAP Accounting for Insurance Contracts. Steffen worked in the actuarial domain covering topics such as product development and pricing at different life and health insurance companies. For the last eight years, Steffen has worked in software development in the insurance and reinsurance area combining his actuarial knowledge with programming skills.